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REVIEW: Music producer NFNR fuses industrial & techno with album Dog Rose

Experimentalist NFNR, is many things but one of them is not dull. This multi-faceted artist has shared the album Dog Rose via Corridor Audio. Be prepared to have an out-of-body moment when you immerse yourself in a work that blurs the lines between electronic, techno, and industrial. The result is a divine culmination of electronic influences that transcend time.

Stream: Dog Rose on SpotifyiTunes

The album opens with the somewhat melodic but at the same time jagged track ‘Cards Against Humanity’. Pulsating beats leave one to imagine they are in the biggest playing field of their lives, and ready for battle. With warrior-esque movement and flow, this is definitely an energetic beginning. Up next on the tracklist ‘Dice 2’ captures the listener with its synth-laced flow, leaving one feeling uplifted and in the mood for adventure.

Ahab’ and LP title track ‘Dog Rose’ both leave one fixated on their delightfully rich intensity and the element of the unexpected. Indulge in warped warped electronics that are fusing industrial and electronica into one dynamic sound experience. ‘Eros Bird’ concludes the release with its ethereal synths that still maintain the darker synergy of the other tracks.

Whether you are a gamer, techno boffin, or just a general electronic music connoisseur you will be able to find enjoyment in NFNR’s art. Not too sentimental but also not lacking emotionally charged embellishments, the composer and electronic experimentalist knows how to draw the listener into their world within a matter of seconds.

‘Dice 2’ features on the Spotify playlist

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