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Julian Casablancas And The Voidz debut album details

The Strokes frontman’s new side-project, Julian Casablancas + The Voidz have released details of their upcoming album Tyranny. The LP will drop September 23rd and is being released by Casablancas’s independent label Cult Records. Reportedly, the album will be available in USB format with the drive shaped like a cigarette lighter. Smoking is cool again kids.

A track from the album, the eleven minute-long ‘Human Sadness’ is available on iTunes now. Just a heads-up, if you’re expecting The Voidz to sound like The Strokes – don’t. If this track is anything to go by, Casablancas seems to be trying out a very new direction from the casually addictive indie-rock-groove sound of both The Strokes and his solo work.

Listen for yourself:

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