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Interview with Glass City Vice

Glass City Vice released their debut track Landslide (which you can watch below) a few months back and have been very busy cementing their place in the scene. Both in their native Brighton and across the UK, indie-rock fans (us very much included) are becoming enraptured in the boys’ exhilarating performances, affecting melodies and of course lead vocalist Josh’s soulful vocals. 
We spoke to them following their performance at The Great Escape to find out what’s going on in the world of GCV. 
Hi Glass City Vice! Why don’t you start by introducing yourselves? 
Hey! Well its me typing this (Josh), we have Dudley on bass, Ed on Guitar and backing vocals and Lawrie on drums.
We read an interview you did a little while back where you said that You Me At Six were a band you look up to, is this still the case? Or have your inspirations altered at all?
We have many many influences and inspirations. You Me At Six are a band that we respect in terms of their work ethic. They are really nice guys and have helped us out a lot.

Obviously some of them go without saying, but are there any other festivals (big or small) in particular that you would love to play?
Coachella would be great, or something like South By South West. There are so many good smaller festivals though nowadays, those seem to be the better ones in my eyes. 
I know you guys played at the TGE! Was there anyone in particular you were looking forward to seeing play there?
We didn’t actually get to see that many bands, I saw Maccabees which was amazing!
Who are you guys listening to at the moment?
New Death Cab For Cutie, old Coldplay. All Get Out’s new EP is brilliant!
If you had to describe the music industry in 2015 in three words, what would they be? 
It’s a mystery.
Do GCV have anything coming up that we should be looking out for? 
We are doing our biggest headline show at The Haunt in Brighton on June 6th which we are all excited about. Then we head out and do some festivals and possibly release some new music! 
In an ideal world, where will Glass City Vice in five years time? 
Hopefully doing it full time, still friends and travelling the world!

And finally…
Tidal or Spotify?
Neither, get out and buy the physical shabang! It’s much better.
Check out Glass City Vice on Balcony TV below. As always, it’s bloomin’ gorgeous. 

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