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Kanye West Receives Honorary Doctorate From Chicago Art School

I mean, correct me if I’m wrong… but I could have sworn that Kanye West spent a good third of the College Dropout album slating people with degrees.
And I quote…

“When everyone says “Hey, you’re not working, you’re not making any money”
You say “You look at my degrees, and you look at my life.”
Yeah, I’m 52!
So what? I’m smart, I’m so smart
And I’m in school
All these guys out here making money
Other ways
And I’m spending mine to be smart!
You know why buddy?
Cause when I die buddy
You know what’s gonna keep me warm?
That’s right, those degrees”

But anyyyyyyyyway….

Kanye West was born and bred in Chicago. Now, an art school in the US city has awarded him an honorary doctorate.
Kanye was described by the school as “a leader in the music industry as a Grammy Award-winning recording artist and producer, as well as a fashion designer and interdisciplinary artist whose work provokes cultural discourse by reflecting a realism of the street.”

You can listen to Kanye’s acceptance speech below.

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